
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi everyone!!!
I am so excited for the up coming months where we all get to know one another and prepare for this amazing journey.  I will start by saying a few quick words on how I ended up going on this trip.

  It all started about a month and a half ago, I had my dream job as a EMT working River Rescue and my dream job was about to become my dream career… But God had other plans. Because I am not a fan of school I had the mindset of get it done ASAP!! I managed to get all college done by the age of 18.  Great in theory.. but reality not so much…. I learned I could not get hired on to year around work until I am 21. (some insurance laws) I then found myself jobless a few weeks later when the season ended. My precious plan had failed me. 
  God said to me from the second I found out that I couldn't get hired on, "I am clearing out the wrong so the right can be put in." I stumbled onto the passport page, read about Africa, and fell in love!! I applied and was accepted! YAY (fast forward) ——>And that is how I ended up here, clinging to Christ enjoying HIS precious plan.  I've been praying for the group and leaders that are associated with this trip and I really look forward getting to know y'all better!

Don't know how to creatively put this into the post… So I'll just tell ya, that I'm from Oregon.

Weeeeeeeeee!!!!! Kaitlyn. -or as my friends call me Kait.

Isaiah 6:9(NIV)
 He said, “Go and tell this people:
“‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
    be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’


Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.