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Got Insurance?

You never know what will happen on the field. 

You could break a tooth. You could get sick. Or you could get hurt. It is important that you have insurance and are fully covered for anything that could happen while on a Passport trip, and because we require you to have travel health insurance before you are allowed to launch with us.

We recommend and have a partnership with Good Neighbor Insurance that has built a plan specifically for The World Race and Passport participants. This plan includes everything that we require of you guys to have in your travel health insurance policy when traveling with us. You can visit their website or call them at 1-866-636-9100 to purchase your policy. Be sure to let them know that your group name is The World Race. (Passport is under the World Race leadership so this is all right for you to say that the group name is "World Race.")

As adults, we expect you to be sure that your travel health insurance policy is right for you. Be sure that you have read everything within your policy and that it fits your needs, as well as our requirements (which you can find on your Personal Profile Page under the "My Mobilization Info" tab, click on the "Preparation" tab and then you will see the "Insurance" section), and that it fits your budget. It is your responsibility to provide insurance for yourself before we can allow you to travel with us.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email us.

Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.