
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hi my name is Jennifer Hoyt but miss Stacey the Awesome lady that she is put me on here as G which is my nickname and also good because I see we have another Jennifer on this trip. I am so excited that the blog page is up and running and now I can talk to all of my team mates about this trip im pretty sure my friends are tired of hering me go on and on about Africa. I am counting down the days until we all meet at training camp and see what God has in store for us as individuals and a team. 

   I am also on Facebook you can find me under Jennifer Hoyt. Looking forward to talking to all of my awesome team mates. Well thats enough from me right now like everyone else I was super excited and skiped the tutorial part of the blog so was not sure really what to say.


Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.