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 So The other Jennifer Gave me this idea (thank you by the way) we are all trying to get to know each other so why not do an about me.  The only problem is I never know what to say in these things so things could get random I am a very random person. My Name is Jennifer Hoyt but everyone just calls me G. I dont really remember how I got that nickname but it probably has something to do with the multiple Jennifers in my family.  I am a Fourth generation pentecostal preachers daughter. My whole life I struggled with the whole being a preachers daughter half of the people in the world say we are the worst the other half expect us to be angels when we are normal kids.
I grew up in a loving family my mom dad and two older brothers, when i was nine i found out i had a half brother and then when i was fourteen we adopted my little brother Seth. I have temporary custody of Seth until I leave for Africa.  I love music I play the drums and anything brass and a little of everything else. I love school and learning new. Last year was probably the worst year of my life my parents got divorced and i ended up spending my 21st birthday in a hospital with a broken back. After that I slipped futher and futher away from God and the church. Then the day after my 22nd birthday my little brother started texteing me telling me to come to church he bugged me all day until I decided to go. 
  I am thankful that he did because that night I got a break through from God that lead me to the AIM missions page. Its so great I was looking at doing the world race first but then I had a dream of Africa and saw the passport Missions trip. I know God is going to use this team to do great things.  This trip is already doing so much for me and talking to all my awesome team members. I can not wait to meet you all at training camp..

Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.