
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey there !

I also want to thank Jen for the idea of doing a little "about yourself" blog ! I am all over that idea.

My name is Katie and I am 19 years old and I will be turning 20 just a week into our adventure ! I was born and raised in Key West Florida but I currently reside is the small town of Dallas, Georgia. I live a very close life with a very big family, I live with my mom and dad but I am the youngest of four children. Both of my brothers and my sister are married and have children. I have 4 nephews and 1 neice that are spoiled completely rotten by me thier Aunt Sissy and I love every minute I get to spend with them ! I am fun and charismatic ! I am all about adventure and being spontaneous but most of all my favorite thing to do is laugh ( cheesy I know … but the truth!) I will be completely honest when I say I can break out into song or dance at any given moment haha I love to read,sing,dance, listen to music and play the piano !

I did not become a Christian until I was in middle school when I found a church and I fell in love with God ! I went on my first mission trip to Peru as a freshman in High School and I have been so blessed to be able to be Christ's hands and feet in many other countries since then. My life got completely turned upside down for Christ after I returned from Peru, and I can not imagine spending my life any other way than on the mission field. My biggest battle lately has been learning to follow God's plan and not my own ! I was all ready to start college in the fall but God had different plans for me … although I was hesitant and I really wanted to start school I took a leap of faith and chose to take time off and do mission work in Guatemala ! And boy was it worth it ! Every minute of my time spent there was full of God's presence. Now that I am back from Guatemala  I am so excited to see what God has planned for me and our team next in Africa !

I am praying for all of you all the time and I can not wait to get to know all of you and see what God has in store for our team as we embark on this journey of a lifetime !

Inspired by His Affection,

Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.