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So, here goes nothing.

I am Nicole Mae Klug. 18 years old and will be joining you all on the African Expedition. I have 2 lil sisters, a step-sister, and an older step-brother. As well as having an older sister that is not realated to me legally or by blood but I will forever call her my sister. I graduated from High School last May and almost immediatly after graduation went to work at an outdoor ministry/bible camp.

Last summer was such a blessing. I will admit that one of the only reasons I went to work at Camp Metigoshe is the fact that I wanted to get away from my parents. I had been a camper there for 10 years and thought it would be a nice escape. When I got there though, I met my big sister, we instantly became inseperable (literally known as the inseperable idiots.) With her help I started to see how prominent God was in my life.

In high school I was beyond stupid.
I did things that were not okay in any way.
Put myself in situations where I could have gotten killed.
I went up to camp not knowing how strong my faith was, and the people up there helped me realize who I really am. At one point during the summer, after a friend of mine had died in a motorcyle accident, I told my sister that I wasn't strong enough for all this, I didn't have the faith in everything that she did. All she told me was that she knows my past and that she knows that without faith in something, whether I knew what it was or not, I would still be completely lost.

Not long after that, I was looking at my sisters route details for the World Race. I accidentally clicked on something and ended up reading about the African Expedition- Spring 2013. I just talked to God and said if this isn't a sign I don't know what is. I took a leap of faith and applied.
A couple weeks later I was accepted.

Throughout the rest of the summer, my relationship with God strengthened beyond anything I ever imagined. I know what I want to do with my life now, and He's given me the oppertunity. He's calling me to missions, & I have happily answered his call.

I hope this little bit of insight into my life helps you all to get to know me a little bit more.

I've been praying for you all since the day I got accepted, without even knowing you. Getting to know you now only makes the prayers increase. I can't wait to get to know you more, and get to training camp… and AFRICA!!!

Feel so blessed!
-Nicole Mae Klug

Adventures in Missions

This blog for is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.